Saturday, February 16, 2013

Some Improvement In the Tank!

I apologize for the late posting, as things have been a bit hectic lately.  But here is the update.

I have been diligently cleaning all the bacteria I have seen in the tank daily.  As of today, the water is clear, not at all cloudy for the first time in nearly two weeks! I am super excited about that! However, I still have to receive my Sea Monkey Medic to completely clear the remaining bacteria in the tank.  I am anxiously awaiting on it's arrival. 

Most of my adults have passed and all my pregnant females.  I still have 50-60 adolescents thriving in the tank, so I am still hopeful.

I also ordered vitamins for the little guys and gals which should help them to get better, as well as give their pale bodies a pretty red hue.  This is said to be totally safe for them, so we shall see.

As always, keep your fingers crossed for my tiny pets! More updates to come soon!

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